Reputable egg donor agencies follow ASRM guidelines which only consider applicants between 18 to 29 years of age.
Women thinking about becoming an egg donor may be surprised to learn about the requirements at egg donor agencies. Here are a few interesting things to consider before submitting the application.
Why an Egg Donor Agency Has Age Restrictions
Women over the age of 30 and in excellent physical shape are shocked to find out that they do not meet the egg donor age restrictions. Most egg donor agencies follow ASRM (American Society for Reproductive Medicine) guidelines. ASRM recommends that donors should be between 18 to 29. However, most organizations prefer to work with a woman who is at least 21 years of age because of the legal agreements and contracts.
Despite how healthy a woman is in her thirties, her egg quality does decrease. This does not make her the ideal candidate for egg donation. Additionally, fertility medication works better for women 30 and under.
The process of egg donation takes time, money, and commitment. Intended parents have waited for this baby for so long. They want to make sure that their donor is within the best age range for her fertility treatments.
Why Donors Must Abstain
One of the commitments in being an egg donor is abstaining from intercourse. The reasoning behind this is that a donor is receiving follicle stimulating hormones (FSH) during her donation cycle. FSH creates a high rate of fertility. If a woman does not abstain, she could become pregnant with a probability of conceiving multiple embryos.
Another Reason Why a Donor Needs to Abstain
Aside from pregnancy, egg donor agencies also make it very clear that another reason to abstain from intercourse is to prevent any future STDs. Early on in the process, donors undergo screening for STDs. This is part of her medical testing. It’s important that a donor understands the commitment she is making and follows this fundamental rule of abstaining.
The Options of Traveling
Many potential egg donors are happy to learn that there is a possibility of travel. However, donors are not required to do this – it’s just an option. If they don’t want to travel and only want to be an egg donor in their hometown, that’s fine, too. It may just take them longer to get matched with an intending parent.
Some women find the idea of travel an exciting opportunity while being able to help an individual or couple become a parent. The travel can be anywhere in the United States or even overseas.
Reputable egg donor agencies will pay for the following when it comes to travel:
- Airfare
- Hotel
- Transportation
Donors are also provided a per diem amount every day they are out of town. This amount starts at $50 a day.
An agency will also pay for a donor to bring a travel companion for the retrieval appointment. Donors usually bring a friend or family member.
The agency will make all the travel arrangements so that a donor does not need to worry about those details.